At Papertrail we are software engineers who are passionate about programming, debugging, logging and pretty much everything about building and running applications. We enjoy keeping our coding skills sharp and playing with new technologies. Below are some of things we have picked up along the way.
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Kafka is an open-source publish/subscribe platform. It can act as a message broker and as a fault-tolerant storage system. Its speed and reliability make it a natural choice for managing communications between enterprise applications, so being able to monitor your Kafka systems is critical.
In this tutorial, we’ll see how easy it is to connect your Kafka logs to Papertrail™ so you can take advantage of its ability to store, index, and instrument your messaging logs.
Jamstack came out just six years ago but has gained traction rapidly among the community. In fact, Netlify’s 2020 State of the Jamstack Survey states more than two-thirds of respondents have been using it for the last two years.
The traditional application development paradigm involves practices and tools for developing applications. This paradigm builds upon monolithic architecture, which is centered around the idea of “interconnectedness” and “dependency.”
What do I mean by “interconnectedness” and “dependency”? The former refers to applications developed so each component interconnects with the other components. Thus, lines of code and functions within one component are intertwined with the others. What happens when one of the components fails to function? Due to the interconnected, monolithic architecture, the entire application fails due to its dependence on this failed component.
Nowadays, most software is built using microservices architecture. The easiest way of building microservices is by using containers. But technology and architecture are only half of the equation.
Processes, company culture, and methodologies also play a big role in the software development process. For this part, the most popular approach is to follow DevOps practices. In fact, containers and DevOps complement each other. In this post, you’ll learn how one relates to another and what containerization and DevOps are all about.
Logging is an essential part of any application, no matter the tech stack or service to which you deploy. When things go wrong in production, logging might just save you from going blind when trying to fix the issue.
In this post, you’ll see how to implement logging for your .NET 5 Asp.NET app on Azure Web Apps.
These days, containerization is a trendy issue in the tech industry. Although it’s been around for some time, it’s only recently become a prominent trend. You can use Docker or Kubernetes—or even both—to work with containers. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. But which technology is better for which types of projects? To clarify, let’s look at some ways to understand the differences between Docker and Kubernetes.
.NET 5 is a shifting point for the .NET ecosystem, bringing Mono, Xamarin, and .NET development into a single codebase. Almost a year later, however, there’s still some confusion lingering, especially when it comes to migrating your old apps.
The allure of quickly spinning up an app on a platform as a service (PaaS), as opposed to cobbling together a solution on an infrastructure as a service (IaaS), makes Heroku an appealing option for many developers. With the explosive growth in the platform as a service market, new features and capabilities are continually rolling out. Along with the fast-paced evolution of Heroku comes an increase in complexity, which can create challenges for application developers.
There are many methods to help you avoid bugs in your application. You can use linters, write tests, or use an IDE, which will help you spot bugs early in the coding phase. However, no matter how good you are at preventing bugs, they will always happen. And it may not have anything to do with you. You could get hit by a bug in the third-party library you use. Therefore, as important as bug prevention is, it’s also crucial to know the debugging process well.
Syslog is a standard for collecting, routing, and storing log messages. It emerged from the Sendmail project in the 1980s. In 2001, it was standardized as RFC 3164 and then as RFC 5424 in 2009. It’s supported on several different platforms, including Unix/Linux, BSD Unix, macOS, and network devices like printers and routers. Because of the remote syslog capability, the standard has lasted several decades.
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